Friday 15 June 2012

Research Report

Research report plays very important role in improvement of any organization so many organizations organize research in their areas with the help of research report they will try to know about the liking disliking or interest of people and they will try to update their products/services according to the desire of public. With the help of findings of research, organizations meet the demands of their customers..

Research reports, long and short, have a set of identifiable components.  Usually the headings and subheadings divide the sections. 
Ø  Letter of transmittal
Ø  Title page
·        The title page should include these items:
§         The title of the report,
§         The data and for whom and by whom it was prepared. 

Ø  Authorization Latter 
Ø  Executive Summary  
Ø  Table of contents  
Ø  Introduction. 
Ø  Problem Statement. 
Ø  Research Objectives. 
Ø  Sampling Design  
Ø  Research Design. 
Ø  Data Collection. 
Ø  Data Analysis. 
Ø  Findings. 
Ø  Recommendations 
Ø  Bibliography

Research report plays very important role in improvement of any organization so many organizations organize research in their areas with the help of research report they will try to know about the liking disliking or interest of people and they will try to update their products/services according to the desire of public. With the help of findings of research organizations meet the demands of their customers. A good research report gave help in development /improvement of any organization.
The research report contains findings. Analysis of findings, interpretations, conclusion, and sometimes recommendations.  The researcher is the expert on the topic and knows the specifics in a way no one else can.  Because a research report is and authoritative one-way communication, it imposes a special obligation for maintaining objectivity.  Even if your findings seem to point to and action, you should
demonstrate restraints and caution when proposing that course. Reports may be defined in terms of their degree of formality and design.  The formal report follows a well-delineated and longer format.  This contrasts to the more informal or short report.

          Short Reports 
          Long Reports


·        Short reports are appropriate when the problem is well defined,
·        Short reports are about Ten pages, 
  • Tell the reader why you are writing (it may be in response to a request.)
  • Write in an expository style with brevity and directness.
  • If time permits. Writer the report today and leave it for review tomorrow before sending it.
  • Attach detailed materials as appendices when needed.


Ø  Technical Report
Ø  Management Report
Technical Report 
This report should include full documentation and detail.  It will normally survive all working papers and original data files and so will become the major source document.  It is the report that other researchers will want to see because it has the full story of what was done and how it was done.
            While completeness is a goal, you must guard against including nonessential material.  A good guide is that sufficient procedural information should be included to enable others to replicate the study.  This includes sources of data, research procedures, sampling design, data gathering instruments, index construction, and data analysis methods.  Most information should be attached in an appendix.
            A technical report should also include a full presentation and analysis of significant data.  Conclusions and recommendations should be clearly related to specific findings.  Technical jargon should be minimized but defined when used.  There can be brief references to other research, theories, and techniques.  While you expect the reader to be familiar with these references, it is useful to include some short explanations, perhaps as footnotes or end notes.
Management Report
Sometimes the client has no research background and is interested in results rather than methodology.  The major communication medium in this case is the management report.  It is still helpful to have a technical report if the client later wishes to have a technical appraisal of the study.

            Because the management report is designed for a non technical audience, the researcher faces some special problems.  Readers are less concerned with methodological details but more interested in learning quickly the major findings and conclusions.  They want help in making decisions.  Often the report is developed for a single person and needs to be written with that person’s characteristics and needs in mind.
            The style of the report should encourage rapid reading, quick comprehension of major findings, and prompt understanding of the implication and conclusions.  The report tone is journalistic and must be accurate.  Headlines and underlining for emphasis is helpful; pictures and graphs often replace tables.  Sentences and paragraphs should be short and direct.  Consider liberal use of white space and wide margins.  It may be desirable to put a single finding on each page.  It also helps to have a theme running through the report and even graphic or animated characters designed to vary the presentation.

Short reports are appropriate when the problem is well defined, of limited scope, and has a simple and straightforward methodology.  Most informational. Progress, and interim reports are of this kind; a report of cost-of-living changes for upcoming labour negotiations or and exploration of filing  “dumping” charges against a foreign competitor,
Short reports are about five pages,  at the beginning, there should be a brief statement on the authorization for the study, the problem examined, and its breadth and depth.  Next are the conclusions and recommendations, followed by the findings that support them  section headings should be used.
Short reports are produced by a memo or a letter of transmittal.  A five-page report may be produced  to track sales on a quarterly basis.  The report would be direct, make ample use of graphics to show trends, and refer the reader to the research department for further information.  Detailed information on the research method would be omitted, although and overview could appear in an appendix.  The purpose of this type of report is to distribute information quickly in an easy-to-use format.  Short reports are also produced for clients with small, relatively inexpensive research projects.
The letter is a form of a short report.  Its tone should be informal.  The format follows that of any good business letter and should not exceed a few pages.  A letter report is often written in personal style (we, you), although this depends on the solution.
Memorandum reports are another variety and follow the To,  From, subject format.  The following suggestions may be helpful for writing short reports:

1.                  Tell the reader why you are writing (it may be in response to a request.)
2.                  if the memo is in response to a request for information,  remind the reader of the exact point raised: answer  it and follow with any necessary details
3.                  write in an expository style with brevity and directness.
4.                  if time permits. Writer the report today and leave it for review tomorrow before sending it.
5.                  attach detailed materials as appendices when needed.

Long report of two types, the technical or base report and the management report.  The choice depends on the audience and the researcher’s objectives.
Many projects will require both types of reports. A technical report, written for an audience of researchers, and a management report, written for the non technically oriented client.  While some researchers try to write a single report that satisfies both needs, this complicates the task and is seldom satisfactory.  The two types of audiences have different technical training, interests, and goals.


A.                                      Prefatory sections

1.       Letter of transmittal
                   When the relationship between the researcher and the client is formal, a letter of transmittal should be included.
2        Title page
                   The title page should include four items: the title of the report, the date  and for whom & by whom it was prepared. The title should be brief  but include the important elements.

3.       Authorization letter
                   When the report is sent to a public organization, it is common to include a letter of authorization showing the authority of undertaking the research.
4.       Executive Summary
                   An executive summary can serve two purposes. It may be a report in miniature – covering all the aspects in the body of the report in abbreviated form. Or it should be concise summary of the major findings and conclusions, including recommendations. Normally it consists of two pages.

5.       Table of contents
          As a rough guide, any report of several sections that  totals more than 6 to 10 pages should have a table of contents. If there are many tables, charts or other exhibits, they should also be listed after the table of contents in a table of  illustration.

1.       Problem statement
                   Problem statement usually contains the need for the research project.
2.       Research objectives
          This means the purpose of the project.
3.       Background
          Background material may be of two types. It may be the preliminary results of exploration from an experience , survey, focus group, or  another source.

          C.      METHODOLOGY

1.       Sampling design
          The researcher clearly defines the target population being studied           and the sampling methods used.
2.       Research design
          The coverage of the design must be adapted to the purpose. In an experimental study, the materials, tests, equipment, control conditions, and other devices should be described. In descriptive or ex post facto designs, it may be sufficient to cover the rationale for using one design over competing alternatives. Even with a sophisticated design, the strengths and weaknesses should be identified, and the instrumentation and materials discussed.
3.       Data collection
          This part of the report describes the specifics of gathering the data. Whether it would be secondary one or primary and all other relevant factors are discussed.
4.       Data analysis
          This section summarizes the method used to analyze the data.
5.       Limitations
          All the research studies have their limitations and the sincere investigator recognizes that readers need aid in judging the study’s validity.
          This is generally the longest section of the report. The objective is to explain the data rather than draw interpretations or conclusions. It is useful to present findings in a numbered form.
          These may be summary, conclusions and  recommendations.
F.               APPENDICES
          Appendices are the place for complex tables, statistical test, supporting documents, copies of forms and questionnaires, detailed descriptions of the methodology, instructions to field workers, and other evidence important for later support.
          The used  of secondary data requires a bibliography. Proper citation, style, and formats are unique to the purpose of the report.

                   Oral presentations mean briefings given orally. Following are the parts of presentation:-

1.                 Preparation
For oral presentation, proper preparation in terms of  speaking rates (speaking speed should remain between 100-150 words per minute). Further preparation with regard to opening of the briefing, findings & conclusions, recommendations, etc. should be properly made.
2.       Delivery
Delivery is very important factor in  oral presentation. Delivery must be in such a manner that it  must attract the attention of the audience.
3.       Audiovisuals
          An utmost care is very imperative in using audiovisuals. Normally, following audiovisuals are used in  briefings:-

-                     AV media
-                     Chalkboards and whiteboards.
-                     Handout materials.
-                     Flip charts.
-                     Overhead transparencies.
-                     Slides.
-                     Computer drawn visuals, computer animation.

Research reports, long and short, have a set of identifiable components.  Usually the headings and subheadings divide the sections.  Each report is individual; sections may dropped or added, condensed or expanded to meet the needs of the audience. Lists four types of reports. The sections that are typically included, and the general order of presentation.
            The technical report follows the flow of the research.  The prefatory materials, such as a letter of authorization and a table of contents, are first.  And introduction covers the purpose of the study followed by a section on methodology. 
            In contrast to the technical report, the management report is for the non technical client.  The reader has little time to absorb details and needs a prompt exposure to the most critical findings, thus the report’s sections are in an inverted order.  After the prefatory and introductory sections. The conclusions with accompanying  recommendations are presented.  Individual findings are presented next, supporting the conclusions already made.  The appendices present any required methodological details.
            The order of the management report allows clients to  grasp the conclusions and recommendations quickly, without much reading.  Then if they wish to go further, they may read on into the findings.  The management report should make liberal use of visual displays.
            The short technical report covers the same items as the long technical report but in an abbreviated from:  The methodology is included as part of the introduction and takes no more than a few paragraphs.  Most of the emphasis is placed upon the findings and conclusions.  A memo of letter format covers only the minimum what the problem is and what the research conclusions are.  Each of these formats can be modified to meet the needs of the audience.

Prefatory Items
Prefatory materials do not have direct bearing on the research itself.  Instead, they assist the reader in using the research report.

Letter of transmittal
When the relationship between the researcher and the client is formal.  A letter of transmittal should be included.  This is appropriate when a report is for a specific client  (e.g.,  the company president) and when it is generated for an outside organization.  The letter should refer to the authorization for the project and any specific instructions of limitations placed on the study.  It should also state the purpose and the scope of the study.  For many internal projects., it is not necessary to include a letter of transmittal.

Title page
The title page should include four items: the title of the report, the data and for whom and by whom it was prepared.  The title should be brief but include the following three elements: :  (1) the variables  included in the study, (2) the type of relationship among the variables, and (3) the population to which the results may be applied.
            .  .  . A Discussion of    merely add length to the title else.  Single word titles are also of little value.  Several acceptable ways of stating report titles are:

Authorization Latter 
When the report is sent to a public organization, it is common to include a letter of authority for undertaking the research. This is especially true for reports to federal and state governments and non-profit organizations. The letter not shows who sponsored the research, but also delineates the original request.

Executive Summary  
An executive summary can serve two purposes. It may be a report in miniature covering all the aspect in the body of the report in abbreviated form. Or it could be a concise summary of the major findings and conclusions, including recommendations. Two pages are generally sufficient for executive summaries. Write this section after the rest of the report is finished. It should not include new information but  may require graphics to present a  particular conclusion.  Expect the summary to contain a high density of significant terms since it is repeating the highlights of report

Table of contents  
As a rough guide, any report of several section that total more then 6 to 10 pages should have a table of contents.  If there are many tables, charts, or other exhibits, they should also be listed after the table of contents in a table of illustrations. 

The introduction prepares the reader for the report by describing the parts of the project: the problem statement, research objectives, and background material.  In most projects, the introduction can be taken from the research proposal with minor editing. 

Problem Statement
The problem statement contends the need for research project.  The problem is usually represented by a management question. It is followed by a more detailed set of objectives.

Research Objectives 
The research objectives address the purpose of the project.  These may be question (s) and associated investigative question.  In co relational or causal studies, the hypothesis statement are included.  Hypothesis are declarative statement describing the relation between two or more variables.  They state clearly the variables concern, the relationship among them, and the target group being studied.  Operational definition of critical variables should be included .
Background material may be of two types.  It may be the preliminary results of exploration from an experience survey, focus group, or other sources.  Alternatively, it could be secondary data from the literature review.  A traditional organizational steam it to think of the concentric circuls of a target.  Starting with the outside ring, the writer works towards the centre.  The bull’s-eye contains the material directly related to the problem.  Previous research, theory, or situations that led to the management question are also discussed in this section.  The literature should be organized, integrated, and presented in a way that it is connected logically to the problem.  The background includes  definition, qualifications, and assumptions.  It gives the reader the information needed to understand the reminder of the research report
Back ground material may be placed before the problem statement or after the research objectives.  If its composed primarily of literature review and related research, it should follow the objectives.  If it contain information pertinent to the management problem or the situation that led to the study.  It can be placed before the problem statement  (where it is found in many applied studies). 

In sort reports and management reports, the methodology should not have a separate section.  Then it should be mentioned in the introduction with details placed in an appendix.  However, for a technical report, the methodology is an important section.  It contains at least five parts. 
Sampling Design  
The researcher explicitly defines the target population being studied and the sampling methods used.  For example, was this a probability or nonprobobility sample?  If probability, was it simple random or complexes random?  How were the elements selected?  How was the size determined?  How much confidence do we have and How much error was allowed? 
Explanation of the sampling method,  uniqueness of the chosen parameters, or other points that need explanation should be covered with brevity.  Calculation should be placed in an panic instead of in the body of the report.

Research Design. 
The coverage of design must be adapted to the purpose. In an experimentally study, the material, tests, equipment, control conditions, and other devices should be described  in descriptive or exposed facto designs,  it maybe sufficient to cover the rationale for using one design over competing alternatives.  Even with sophisticated design, the strength and weaknesses should be identified, and the instrumentation and materials discussed.  Copies of materls are placed in an appendix.

Data Collection. 
This part of report describes the specifics of gathering the data.  Its contents depend on the selected design.  Survey work generally uses a term with field and central supervision.  How many were involved?  What was there training? How were they managed when were the data collected? How much time did it take?  What were the conditions in the field?  How were irregularities handled? 
In an experiment, we would want to know about subject assignment to groups, the use of the standardized procedures. And protocols, the administration of test or observational forms, manipulation of the variables, and so fourth
Typically, you would include a discussion on the relevance of secondary data that guided these decisions.  Again, detailed materials such as field instructions should be included in an appendix. 

Data Analysis. 
This section summarises the methods use to analyse the data.  Described data handling,  preliminary analysis, statistical tests, computer program, and other technical information the rationale for the  choice of analyse approaches should be clear.  A brief description or commentary on assumption and appropriateness of use should be presented. 

This topic is often handled with ambivalence.  Some people wish to ignore the matter, filling that mentioning it detracts from the impact of the study this attitude is unprofessional and possibly unethical. Other seems to adopts a masochistic approach of detailing everything.  The section should be a thoughtful presentation of significant methodology or implementation problems.  An even handled approach is one of the hallmarks of an honest and competent investigator.  All research studies have their laminations,  and the sincere investigator recognizes that readers need aid in judging the study’s validity.

This is generally the longest section of the report.  The objectives is to explain the data rather then draw interpretations or conclusions.  When quantitative data can be presented, this should be done as simply as possible with charts, graphics, and tables.
The data need not include everything you have collected.  The criterion for inclusion is, “is this material important to the reader’s understanding of the problem and the findings?”  however, make sure to show findings unfavourable to your hypothesis and those sport them. 
It is useful to present findings in numbered paragraphs or to present one finding per page with the quantitative data supporting the findings presented in a small table or chart on the same page.  While this practice adds to bulk of report, it is convenient for the reader


The summary is a brief statement of the essential findings.  Sectional summaries may be used if there are many specific findings.  These may be combined into an overall summary.  In simple  descriptive research, a summary may complete the report, as conclusion and recommendations.  May not be required. 
Findings state facts while conclusions represent inferences drawn form the findings. A writer is sometimes reluctant to make conclusions and leaves the task to the reader. Avoid this temptation when possible. As the researcher, you are the one best informed on the factors that critically influence the findings and conclusions.
            Conclusions may be presented in a tabular form for easy reading and reference. Summary finding may be subordinated under the related conclusion statement. These may be numbered to refer the reader the reader to pages or tables in the findings sections.

There are usually few ideas about corrective actions. In academic research, the recommendations are often further study suggestions that broaden or test understanding of the subject area. In applied research the recommendations will usually be for managerial action. The writer may offer several alternatives with justifications.

The appendices are  the place for complex tables, statistical tests, sporting documents, copies of form and questionnaires, detailed descriptions of the  methodology, instruction to field worker and other evidence important for later support.  The reader who wishes to learn about the technical aspects of the study and to look at statistical break downs will want a complete appendix. 

he use of secondary data requires a bibliography. Proper citation, style, and formats or unique to the purpose of the report.  Style requirement are often specified by the instructor, program, institution, or client. 

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