Friday 15 June 2012

Data Processing


What is data?
According to dictionary meaning data is defined as facts on which decision is to be based.  One writer defines data as the facts presented to the researcher from the study’s environment.  Data is basically the starting point and were collect, process and analyze it as per our requirements.  Data may be further characterized by their:
Ø     Abstractness
Ø     Verifiability
Ø     Elusiveness
Ø     Closeness.
Abstract ness mean theoretical or conceptual which is difficult to represent.  For example GNP cannot be recorded directly only the effects of it may be recorded.
When sensory experience consistency produce the same results our data is said to be trustworthy because they may be verified.
It means difficult to describe.  Opinions, preference, attitudes vary from individual to individual and change with the passage of time.  For example attitude about spending during 1980’s differ dramatically once decade later in the same population. 
Data classify with their reality to the event.  Secondary data have had at least one level of interpretation inserted between the even and its recording.  Primary data are sought for their closeness to the truth and control over error.
Analysis & Processing of Data
After collection of data it needs to be analyzed.  Data analysis usually involves reducing accumulated data to a manageable size, developing summaries, looking for patterns and applying statistical techniques.  We must interpret the findings in the light of client’s question of with the theory-building research, determine if the results are consistent with out hypotheses and theories.
Data Editing
First step in data analysis is to edit raw data.  Editing detects errors and omissions and corrects them when possible.  The editor’s purpose is to assure that data are
v    Accurate
v    Consistent with other information
v    Uniformly entered
v    Complete and
v    Arranged to simplify coding and tabulation.
Field Editing
During the stress of data collection, the researcher often uses abbreviation and special symbols.  Soon after interview or observation the researcher should review it so that is must be edited other wise after the passage of time it is bit difficult for researcher to refresh that particular thing for which he used some codes or symbols. Some useful rules to guide editors in their work are:
q       Be familiar with instructions given to interviewers and coders.
q       Do no destroy, erase or make unreadable the original entry by the interviewer.
q       Initial all answers changed.
q       Place initial and date of editing on each schedule completed.
Coding involves assigning numbers or other symbols to answers so the responses can be grouped into a limited number of classes or categories.  The classifying of data into limited categories sacrifices some data details but it is necessary for efficient analysis.  For instance entering the work “male” or “female” the codes “M” of “F” could be used.  If we use M and F or other letters in combination with numbers and symbols it is called alphanumeric codes.  When numbers are used exclusively the code is called numeric.
Data Entry
As we all know that invention of computer revolutionize the life style. It affects every field of life.  Data entry is also become easier through IT revolution.  Researcher found new and more efficient ways of speeding up research process.  Data Entry converts information gathered by secondary of primary methods to medium for viewing and manipulation.  We use keyboard for entering the data and different software are used for that purpose.
The cost of technology has allowed most researchers access to desktop or portable computers or a terminal linked to a larger computer.  This technology enables computer-assisted telephone or personal interviews to be completed with answers entered directly for processing, eliminating intermediate steps and errors.    
Software Used for Data Entry
Many software are used for entering the data.  Popular software are MS-Excel, MS-Access, FoxBASE, Oracle etc.  Some organizations used software, which is designed specially for their specific use.  Like different software used in banking sector etc.
Technique For Displaying & Examining Distributions/Data
Various new techniques for displaying and presenting data are now used.  They are essential to any preliminary examination of data.  For example a frequency table is a simple device of displaying data.  An example is presented in the following table.  It arrays the data from the lowest value to highest, with columns for percentage, frequency and sector that describe the business classification or markets.

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