Friday 15 June 2012

Action Oriented Plan

The purpose of preparing research action plan is to anticipate all the major steps/stages and decision required in conducting studies and presenting report.

     Preparation of statement about the objectives and scope of study
After receiving the request for research study, an understanding of the specific objectives, which includes clarification of the purpose of study, is undertaken. Activates included in this step are discussions between the sponsoring agency, which is represented by management executives, administrators or directors and research team. The discussion is aimed at clarification of the problem, situation opportunity, evaluation work, historical events and or any other relevant facts. The expected research results, planned projections and predictions about the future are also discussed.

In other words the purpose of research and the nature of questions, expected to be answered by the study are agreed.

In case the research study is undertaken by an academician either to obtain a degree or extend the knowledge, he discusses and clarifies the purpose and scope with his research director or some expert in that field.

In the first step, several kinds of research activate are important, such as, discussion, and study of secondary data, thinking and reading of relevant material. While the research team is busy in reading, thinking and discussion, other kinks of activities namely, development of hypotheses by drawing tentative conclusion, classifying of objectives into sub-objectives are carried on, with full concentration, vigor, imagination and vision.

The over all objective of the first step is not only to comprehend the problem and situation but also to obtain a written agreement on the purpose and scope of the study. This includes identification of situations; sponsoring agency is facing, and for which it wants to have the study, like - resolving the problem, assessing opportunities, making plans or evaluation of any new project.

In practice, research needing-organizations often know, the reasons why they are seeking some kind of information, their use, but good discussion with the research team can prove of immense value by spelling out problem and or situations. This step guides other steps in research procedure and can save time as well as cost. It also helps in formulating research problem as opposed to company problems.
In those cases, where research sponsoring agency is not clear about the purpose of the study or the research information required, the research team must devote sufficient time in identifying, describing and analyzing objectives clearly, and pointing out possible solutions to the problem.

In theory this step is known as “Situation Analysis” which includes informal investigation with mangers, dealers, consumers, community leaders and or government officials. Personal interviews of important men, reading of recorded material and observation are the source-cum-resources for developing hypotheses, evolution of information for planning and further direction to research activities. As such the first step can prove helpful for making research activity plans and decisions like:

(a)   Kind of data sought for quantitative analysis.
(b)     Kind of information useful for qualitative interpretations to describe, explain and test hypotheses.
(c)   Kind of sampling design and the size of sample.
(d)   Methods of collecting data, cost etc
(e)   Time and cost of field force including its supervision,
(f)     Research design.

The first step is crucial for developing a sound methodology in other words clear     and precise statements and commitments about the nature of work to be done by research team is agreed.

Action oriented plans are the plans that should be know before practically doing research. Examples of action oriented plans are introduction and methodology or those things which we used during research and how we use them. Action oriented plans are those which we done before the research work. We prepare a research that is how to conduct research and how to prepare action-oriented plan.
Problem Statement
Before going to research work we should know how about the problem. We should already have some knowledge about problem.
Research Objectives
The research objectives or purposes of research questions vary from project to project and from research to research.

The researcher should have background knowledge about the problem. Previous research theory and situation should be known. Results of related research should be well known.

After these steps the researcher should have sufficient knowledge about the methods he used. In methodology the following things should be considered.
What should be sampling design?
What should be research design?
What we analyze gathered data?
How we can minimize limitations.

Sampling Design
In sampling design what should be the method used for allocating data. These can be:
Ø      Probability Sampling Method
Ø      Non probability Sampling Method
Research Design
In research design the metrical, tastes, equipment’s, control conditions and other decisions are analyzed. What should be the devices used for collecting data? Every device and equipment’s merits and demerits are considered.
Data Collection
What should be the method used for collecting data and how a researcher collects? It is considered in this phase. There are different methods of collecting data. So choosing among the attractiveness is considered in data collection phase.
Data Analysis:
How we analyze the data. Either by using statistical tools or by using computer program is also considered before research.
The other factor that is very important is the resources available and cost is also considered in Action Oriented Plans.

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